Five shows we produced over the past 15 years can be seen simultaneously at a number of festivals


2024 will be a special year. Circusdrome presents Ensemble: Five of the performances that we have created over the past 15 years can be seen simultaneously at a number of festivals. Since 2007, Circusdrome has traveled to many international festivals. Douwe van Oven and Jordi Damwichers have been the faces of Circusdrome for years But occasionally several performances were performed simultaneously with guest actors. Every time they turn out to reinforce each other. Over the years, an enthusiastic team of well-known and lesser-known guest actors has emerged, who will be travelling together for the first time next year!

Ensemble consists of the performances Teatro Metamorphoso (2008), Morna the girl in the fishbowl (2013), Bombardo the human cannonball (2014), Maharaja the Oriental wonder doctor (2016) and Levita the floating girl (2019). Five little wonders on the edge of streettheatre and circus. A combination of humor, illusion and nostalgic circus arts. Together a mini festival full of amazement and enchantment.

The complete Circusdrome oeuvre

Circusdrome speelt Morna op Noorderzon Performing Arts Festival Groningen, 2013


Das Mädchen im Goldfischglas

Characterization of performances

Ensemble consists of parade performances. Short performances that take place in their own theater tent or caravan. Outside the theater there is a presenter who announces the performance and invites the audience to enter.

The company

Circusdrome creates performances on the edge of streettheatre and circus. Important ingredients are humor, illusion and circus art. With a great eye for detail, Circusdrome knows how to amaze and enchant its audience. The performances can be seen at festivals throughout Western Europe.

The (guest) actors

Douwe van Oven was awarded the title Variety Champion of the World with Jura Sala in 2002, at the World Championships of Performing Arts in Hollywood with a humorous acrobat number. From that moment on he has worked as an actor and juggler/acrobat in the theater, in the circus and on the street. In 2021 he studied at Jango Edwards’ Nouveau Clown Institute in Barcelona.

Jordi Damwichers has been working as an actor in Circusdrome performances since 2008. He was at the cradle of all five Ensemble performances. Ensemble.

In recent years, Douwe and Jordi were accompanied by, among others, Shailala Akkermans, Berl Both, Helena Cardoso, Djura Dame, Roos Hermanides, Claudia Illescas, Joey Keizer, Rein de Kok, Sander Kremer, Shadira Leito, Vincent van Leth, Kevin de Moor, Tonny Mulder, Jolinde Nijland, Gerard Olthaar, Chaya Patttiapon, Pascalle Poelman, Roel Post, Laurien Riha, Boree Rijzenga, Chica Tjakkes, Rozan Vergeer and Jos van Wees.

Entrance fee

The performances are suitable for charging a small entrance fee, for example one or two euros, per visitor. There are 2 options for this. The festival pays a fixed (buyout) amount and the entrance income goes back to the festival or the festival pays a lower (basic) amount and Circusdrome retains the entrance income itself. Good options for a festival with a lower budget.


The performances all have a maximum capacity of ±100 visitors per hour.
06/07 BE Nieuwpoort Reuzenfeest
25-29/08 NL Asperen Straattheaterfestival *

* = option

Practical information

Number of actors

11 actors

Playing time

4 x 45 minutes continuously

Duration of individual performance

1 to 7 minutes

Number of visitors

Varying between 10 to 40 per performance

(Recommended) age of visitors

Levita and Morna up from 4 years
Metamorfoso, Maharadja and Bombardo up from 8 years


Download the complete dossier for technical and practical information about Ensemble.


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Email us for more information and bookings.



More shows

Circusdrome speelt Morna op Noorderzon Performing Arts Festival Groningen, 2013


Das Mädchen im Goldfischglas